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- Kashrut Authority of Western Australia -
KAWA provides supervision to all Kosher food services and suppliers in Perth WA.
What does "Kosher" mean?
The Hebrew word "Kosher" applies to food and means fit or proper for consumption. The word "kosher" refers to the food that Jewish people regard as fit for them to eat. The generic term that covers kosher foods and their production is "kashrut".

Lenny Zeilinger
Shomer Supervisor

Steve Kerbel
Chairman Management Committee

Rabbi D Lieberman

Rabbi A Posner

Rabbi M Solomon

Rabbi S White

Latest News

“Every cuisine tells a story. Jewish food tells the story of an uprooted, migrating people and their vanished worlds. It lives in people's minds and has been kept alive because of what it evokes and represents"
- Claudia Roden -
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